Annual Synopsis - 1995-1996

President - Ian Wilson
“Act with Integrity, Serve with Love, Work for Peace”

The playhouse raffle was again a major fundraiser with success at the Home Show helping net $5500. Window on Waikato was another highlight in conjunction with Richmond Fellowship and Hospice as major beneficiaries. Other funding came from Dinners for Six, pancake breakfast, silent auction and Christmas puddings.
RYLA was supported and RYPEN was a huge success.
Donations included those made to the Child Health Foundation, the Salvation Army, the Multiple Sclerosis Society, the Waikato Cadet Unit, Fairfield College for book prizes, and to a Spirit of Adventure applicant.
International student Anna Hasselgren was hosted by Mary and Rob Jones.
Club visits made to the sewage treatment plant, Thames Toyota and Goldmine, and Taitua Arboretum were most instructive and enjoyable.
Paul Harris Fellow Awards were made to Trish Ball and to Patrick Beehan, recognising their work for burns victims.
Paul Harris Fellow Awards were made to Trish Ball and to Patrick Beehan, recognising their work for burns victims.