Annual Synopsis - 1988-1989

President - Leigh Vickridge
“Put Life into Rotary—Your Life”

This, the initial year of “Take a Kid Fishing” was a real success with over 400 entries and many fish.
The Club arranged accommodation and meals for the 300 competitors in the Waikato Special Olympics Regional Games under Chris Deverson’s guidance.
Reg Speedy and a small team painted and papered the Queenwood Disabled Living Centre interior.
A Club remit to District Conference proposed a Trust Fund for the extension of Peer Support.
Fundraisers included a Rotary Club of Fairfield Rotary-Chartwell Square golf tournament, which raised $1500 for Trust Bank Air Ambulance. Waxed paper rolls bought and sold raised $1000, a bring-and-buy quick auction $700 and fruit trays $3000.
$2000 was committed to the John Webb Memorial Library at the Hamilton Gardens.
An Inner Wheel Club was formed.
Sylvia Forster was appointed a Paul Harris Fellow in recognition of her support to the work of Pacific Islands’ fellowship.
Sylvia Forster was appointed a Paul Harris Fellow in recognition of her support to the work of Pacific Islands’ fellowship.